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Painting freehand lines can stretch any NPA’s patience past their breaking point. The slightest difference in pressure can make the line bulge or smudge. Or things are going well, but then the brush runs out of polish. Nail art problems, right? Well, not if you have The Liner Brush.
The Liner brush can be used to create fine lines with your nail designs. Suitable for beginners to advanced skill levels.
Clickety-click on ‘how-to’ to discover the secret to nailing this nail polish!
Since 2009, Picture Polish has become the go-to brand for vibrant, damage-free nail polish, curable lacquer, and accessories. With every bottle of PP and PC sold, we donate 50 cents to the Animal Welfare League Queensland.
How to use:
Hold the Liner brush in your opposite hand. Tapered to a sharp point, this brush is extremely precise. Make sure to move your fingers!
Painting straight lines is all about angles, so don’t be afraid to shift your finger into a more accessible position.
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