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  • Polish

Review | Sharky

August 27, 2019

Sharky Nail Polish Review | Launch Week | August 2019

Another launch week is upon us woohoo!!!  You can follow all the fun via our Instagram page.

First colour to be revealed was a beautiful grey holographic nail polish named ‘sharky’ so here’s the story…

Sharky was created with Alina @alinasnailplace from Germany. Alina’s inspiration can be found in a favourite family film: Finding Nemo. There a shark recites, ‘I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food’. And such a nice way to pick up the rather hackneyed Gandhi proverb ‘be the change, you want to be in the world’…

You can read Alina’s blog post here.

Sharky Nail Polish

Sharky Nail Polish Alinasnailplace Swatch

We mixed launch week up for August, with a new puzzle, swatches, reviews and giveaways. It’s so much fun reading all the comments and seeing the super sleuths at work… lol

One of the most requested resources is a comparison swatch so Edina @lakkomlakkom has been busy comparing old and new Picture Polish shades just for you…

Sharky Nail Polish Comparison

For your viewing pleasure here’s some more swatches and thoughts about Sharky…

This polish got me for sure – as I’m a lover of grey nail polish and have always had a soft spot for the ocean with all the marine inhabitants this sparkly beautiful color is just fantastic…  Meike @lacktraviata

Sharky Nail Polish

Sharky is the perfect gray. Although it’s a gray tone (cold color) and may seem ideal for the colder seasons of the year, it has enough light to fit at any time of the year, it’s impressive how well it does…  Laura @laublm

Sharky Nail Polish

Sharky, sparky & sparkly! Alina’s shade is perfect: flawless application, shiny and elegant. I have a thing about grey nail polish. It’s both classic and edgy. The Picture Polish team worked their magic once again to create the ideal shade that reflects Alina’s talent… Laetitia @ilaeti

Sharky Nail Polish

Thanks for reading the Shark Nail Polish review. Cheers The Girls xox

Love this color?  Shop nails now.