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Lifestyle Photos: What Your Nail Polish Colour Says About You

August 13, 2022

Last month, we revealed the very first Picture Polish Prompt Challenge for Lifestyle nail pictures and wow! There were so many different interpretations, which is why we chose it in the first place! In short, Lifestyle nail pictures incorporate more than a close-up of nails. The options on how to achieve a Lifestyle nail picture are endless. For instance, it could mean taking a picture of your nails at a sports event or with your daily fit. Anything goes, and the idea is to show a glimpse of your life. Nails appear in the picture, of course, but aren’t the only focal point.

Lifestyle nail pictures seemed like an appropriate first prompt so we could get to know the NPA community on a deeper level. And you really delivered! Here are the entries, and we’re excited to dive in to see what you shared! Without further ado, let’s see what your nail polish colour says about you!

Fiana’s feed is bursting with beautiful botanical pictures and gorgeous nails. Scrolling through her account is a nature lover’s dream! No surprise for us to learn that @fiana_nails likes to paint her nails and then find flowers to match. For her entry, Fiana included an alfresco dinner outside, including one of our favourite dishes: pizza! From this gorgeous setup and other pops of pinks and reds from drinks and snacks, choosing Rose nail polish fits perfectly. We’d be happy to join you for a whimsical outdoor dinner, Fiana! We’re sure it would be a fabulous party from what we see in this prompt picture.

what your nail polish says about you

The prompt challenge coincided with Petra’s anniversary, and she shared a personal tradition. Every year, @misshekaba and her spouse wear their wedding outfits to celebrate the occasion. From what we can see from this picture, Petra gravitates toward delicate feminine details. The holographic elements of Grace nail polish are soft, shimmery, and romantic, perfect for reliving the fun of her big day. The glimpses of her white summer dress and her spouse’s hand make this picture even more meaningful. The way you celebrate your anniversary is so touching, along with the note encouraging NPAs to be themselves. We couldn’t agree more!

Anniversay Nails

Although Julia from @mullemaus1281 shared that she found the lifestyle prompt challenging, we adore her entry! The coordination of Forest nail polish and its namesake is picture perfect! Nature can be a vast source of inspiration when the wind rustles through leaves and sunshine brings flowers to life. The glitter and holo nestled into Forest nail polish reminds us to get outside and enjoy the fresh air! How lucky for Julia that this forest is right outside her door. Enjoying the smell of crisp leaves and deep woods sounds like a fantastic day to us. Choosing a green polish is outside the norm, and we love when people find their own unique styles!

The best part about this prompt challenge was seeing different interpretations. The idea was to learn more about the NPA community, and Ella @nailpolishbyella used the opportunity to her full advantage. Three cheers for trying new ways to take pictures! Ella decided to step out of her comfort zone and share a partial photo of her face. And we’re so happy we got to see her stunning blue eyes! Selena nail polish is a bright holographic green which beautifully compliments Ella’s blonde hair. We’re all gorgeous, inside and out, and we admire Ella sharing her beauty with the world.

Okay, so we need to be honest here. This entry from Heidi at @heipyh blew us away! There’s just so much personality and colour! Matching Fake Tan and Allure nail polish with gaming gives us an entirely new understanding of Heidi. A gamer in several forms with colour-coordinated polish? We’re obsessed! In this entry, Heidi shows us her interests and fabulous square-shaped nails. The only question left is which games are her faves to play! From the brilliantly-coloured controls on her Switch and bold purple backlit keyboard, we feel confident that Heidi is the life of any party. Online or otherwise.

A chef and an NPA? Talk about a match made in heaven! For her entry, Maria from @mariasnailartongles showed us an important part of her daily life: cooking. Maria spends considerable time cooking and baking for family and loved ones. With this selection of delicious produce, we can practically smell Maria’s next fantastic dish. Pairing the soft blue of Clouds nail polish also fits in more than one way. As Maria says, she’s in the clouds when others enjoy her delicious meals. And we really enjoy your entry, Maria!

Rupa, aka @nail_paintings_by_rupa, used her entry to show how she spends most of her time. And unfortunately, that means working at her computer. We’ve been there, Rupa! Although working all the time isn’t much fun, Rupa shares in her entry that she’s grateful for her job. Much in her life has changed, and having her career has helped a lot. We agree that typing at a computer can be tedious, and we fully support having stunning nails! Rupa chose Holo Sphere because she’s out of this world when she works. Haha, we couldn’t agree more, Rupa!

Shifting the Lifestyle prompt in a fashionable direction is Katha from @kathagraphie. With this overall soothing colour scheme, our eyes happily drift from one element to the next. From the neutral brick background and coordinated nails, and daily fit, we can’t get enough! Katha shares in her caption that it’s rare for her outfit to match her nails, and we’re delighted she captured the occasion. Swagger nail polish is a soft but still vibrant blue and really pops against Katha’s lighter skin tone. She also shared some fabulous tips for taking pictures, so make sure to check them out!

The greens are in full effect in the entry from Isabell @bella.irsia! From the nails to her tasty tea, water feature, and trees, we adore the scope of soothing shades. There are lots of her favourites included here, from the drink to the location, and we love seeing it all! Dare we even say it’s an evergreen picture, considering she’s rocking Evergreen nail polish. It definitely seems like a relaxing day to us! Additionally, it’s a fabulous example of how the perfect shade of nail polish can make everything better. Isabell also has some constructive tips about framing a lifestyle shot, so click her picture for the full caption!

An NPA after our own heart, we adore this entry from @nells_polish_corner. Rocking her Picture Polish collaboration shade, Rhysand nail polish, it is simply stunning in direct sunlight. This lifestyle shot represents an ideal summer Sunday for Nell, and we totally agree! Lounging around with a book, whether a physical book or an e-reader, sounds like heaven. And since Nell included sunblock lotion, it’s a reminder for all of us to apply sunscreen to our hands! They’re often in the sun and need protection just as much as other areas of your body. We hope you enjoyed your reread of Kingdom of the Wicked. Who knew we’d be adding to our TBR piles with this challenge?

We think it’s safe to say that if we could possess even a fraction of Sanja’s class, we’d be the belle of the ball. Just look at this elegant lifestyle frame from @hefersanja! The glittery silver background, shimmery holographic clutch, and, of course, the nails. Everything here works together in a bold and complementary way, and we can’t stop staring! And then we scrolled to her second picture and were just as amazed with the gorgeous jewelry. There’s fashion, fun, and whimsy in these lifestyle frames, which can be challenging to put together. Incredible job, Sanja!

Fashion Lifestyle Nail Photos

This first prompt challenge has us thinking up new ways to incorporate frames, so stay tuned for more! And as always, please let us know your thoughts about the challenges. We want to make them as fun as possible! See you on Instagram @picturepolish, and please tag us in your Picture Polish manis!