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  • Polish

Story | Recovery

May 10, 2020

Recovery Nail Polish Story | Launch Week | April 2020

Third colour to be revealed was the ‘NPAs for Wildlife‘ fundraising nail polish named ‘recovery’ and so the story continues…

Stepping back in time to January 2020, where we began the shade development process for our fundraising polish and how we did it. These lovely words were written and donated by @jennieshaw (an NPA and also a fabulous writer). Sending a huge thanks to Jennie xox

How to Create a Fundraising Polish

The minute Picture Polish announced their intention to create a fundraising polish to help rehabilitative efforts for wildlife affected by the Australian bush fires, Nail Polish Addicts from around the world answered the call with enthusiastic fervor. Because that’s what NPAs do! *group high five*

Choosing A Color Picture Polish

Phase 1: Choosing a Colour

Opening up the floor for NPAs to suggest colours on an Instagram post, the comments filled with hundreds of beautiful and meaningful ideas, each inspired by an element of nature. The top two suggestions were green and grey. Then an Instastory poll was created. After a close race, green holo was the winner. In a similar shade to the eucalyptus plant, an Australian native. Thoughtful and totally on theme.

Phase 2: Say my Name, Say my Name

With the green holo colour decided, because of course holo, this is picture polish! It was time to come up with a name. Another brainstorming session on Instagram offered a ton of great options and after an Instastory poll, the name became official: Recovery.

Recovery Nail Polish Chosen Color

Phase 3: Make it Pretty

The final element was designing the bottle label. A beautiful sketch gifted by Kira @nnailtasticc brought the name ‘Recovery’ to life with an elegant, outstretched hand cradling a eucalyptus seedling, which manifests the message of ‘let us lift you.’ So fitting and perfect for the cause!

Recovery Nail Polish Label Picture Polish

This first fundraising polish effort proved there really is no limit to what NPAs can do when they band together for a good cause. The creation of this truly collaborative polish. A stunning holo green named Recovery—will raise funds and awareness for wildlife and nature rehabilitation in Australia. Make sure to pick up a bottle to show your support and wear Recovery with pride!

Anwen Port Macquarie Koala Hospital

As timing would have it, there was another story of recovery and it goes like this…

Early April we received an email from @portmacquariekoalahospital about one of koalas we adopted ‘Anwen’ so the release of Recovery is truly a story of just that.

Anwen (the koala above) was rescued in early November 2019 during the bushfires in northern NSW, Australia.

On 27th December 2019 she was moved from intensive care to an outside yard at the hospital.

On 3rd April 2020 she was released back to her home range, which had regenerated beautifully thanks to the rain.

Such a positive and heartfelt recovery for Anwen.